Videos are a great way to motivate, teach, learn share knowledge, Its also a great way to learn new things, take up a new passion and question a speaker or idea. At Giftedthinkers. Net, we believe videos assist in teaching students step by step ways to understanding a complex problem. Sometimes a child will need to learn a new way or a short cut and will need to view somthing over and over again. This is one of the best means of learning. I hope to add further newvideos for children and adults to test their mental faculties and also to take on new ideas.
Objectives of the Mathematics Curriculum for , is to have children excel in their Age Group and have children grasp key concepts which will allow them to excel at school. Note: Upon taking tests, you may find that your child could be struggling with some of the concepts for his age group. Its best that as a parent or teacher that you step back and go back and build the confidence of the child by building the childs confidence at a slightly lower level and then upon improving, moving up and taking on the level in which they are meant to be in. Very often parents including students feel that they are not good enough and mentally keep repeating the words “ I’m not good at maths” or “ I am not of the standard required”. It is my hope that you say, “I’m slowly getting there and I may need a bit more time and effort and practice….. but I will get there”. The objectives of our mathematics programmes are to enable pupils to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts in the following areas: